K-I-E® Method

Cognition, Intuition, Emotion

The K-I-E® (cognition, intuition, emotion) method is based on two different decision systems - the cognitive and emotional system. The K-I-E® system allows these two systems to be made aware of the K-I-E® scale, a universal assessment system for cognition and intuition.

K-I-E® Commitment Process - Shared decisions
The aim of this process is to lead all stakeholders to a joint decision.

K-I-E® Quality Process - Appropriate quality in processes
The aim of the quality process is to lead a product or process to a quality acceptable to all. For this purpose, the process participants evaluate the quality themselves based on expert assessments.

K-I-E® Prioritization process - Shared selection and sequence of services
In organizations there is a competitive situation between diverse requirements from different areas around the scarce resources such as time, financial support and focus.

The K-I-E® prioritization process is about prioritizing these requirements and jointly deciding the order in which the individual projects are pursued to achieve the company's objective.

HTU is working closely with Dipl.-Math., Business Coach, emotion researcher and author Richard Graf, who developed the K-I-E® method.

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